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JavaScript Fundamentals

What is JavaScript JavaScript , often abbreviated as "JS", is a high-level , dynamic , untyped , object-based , multi-paradigm , and interpreted programming language . Alongside HTML and CSS , JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production . It is used to make webpages interactive and provide online programs, including video games. All Browsers implement a standard of Javascript called as ECMAScript Specification. Dynamically Typed Protypes based Object Oriented Scripting & Interpreted Language Originally meant for Browsers. Developed by Brendan Eich from Netscape in 1966
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Why this Blog was started...3 years ago ?

Initiative Three years ago while studying my bachelors degree ,i thought i must  share knowledge in coding or technical related stuff on internet since it may be useful to anyone looking for the same. Hence this blog was created because of my busy schedule and work related commitments was not able to create any posts ,but now the sense of the need for writing a blog is stronger than ever. I will blog about my topics of interests Core Java ,Design patterns ,Spring framework , Angular JS and Indian Stock market related stuff ,while i continue to gain knowledge in them. Keep visiting and watch out for more posts.